somi insights

Meaningful insight made actionable

A Tokyo-based, full-service consumer insights agency

What we do


Consumer insights

Tell us your business challenge. Together, we can figure out the best approach to getting the insights you need. We can lead the research process every step of the way. Or, we can serve in a more consultative role, assisting and guiding at any point along the journey.




Brand positioning & communications

As researchers and marketers, we are experts at helping clients position brands by identifying the key consumer insights and how best to communicate them.

We are pretty exceptional copywriters. As part of our research output, we can deliver finished concepts ready for consumer testing.

ブランドポジショニングと                コミュニケーション




Ideation & activation

Getting several smart brains thinking together is undeniably powerful. Consumer understanding? Product concept ideation? Brand positioning ideation? Stakeholder alignment? Tell us the need and we will design an online or in-person workshop to fit the need and time/budget constraints.





想実 Why somi?

Our mission is to help clients get the most out of the research that they do. It’s in our name…

The character 想 () means ‘insight’, while 実 (mi) means ‘to bear fruit’ as part of the verb 実る (‘minoru’)

At somi insights, we unearth deep, meaningful consumer insights and explain them through the cultural context, so that they start to make intuitive sense

Next, we link insight to brand strategy to illuminate the way forward so that clients can rapidly activate insights within their organization

Somi insights helps clients to reap the fruits of their insights, in the moment and into the future

What sets us apart?

The experience, perspective and cultural understanding to translate what consumers say to what consumers mean

The rigorous analytical thinking and the ability to synthesize disparate data sources to identify insights…and to know which insights are key

The ability to link consumer insight to brand strategy

The skill to craft a compelling narrative that excites stakeholders and deepens understanding

The passion for the brand mission and a spirit of collaborative partnership to help clients activate insights to move the business forward

More about…

Consumer insights

Consumer insights are the underlying meaning behind what consumers say and do. Getting to this is not easy work. Consumers typically cannot tell us in words why they perceive things the way they do or make the purchase decisions that they make.

Researchers must have a broader view of the cultural context in which consumers operate in order to understand the ‘why’, not just the ‘what’ of consumer behavior.

Good moderation is key, but absolutely essential are passionate researchers who strive for understanding. By listening fully and rigorously analyzing consumer inputs within the context of culture, we achieve an exceptional depth of insight around consumers’ underlying perceptions and motivations.






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Brand positioning & communications

We help clients identify the key consumer insights to position brands around and determine how best to communicate to tap into target consumers’ true unmet needs, motivations and aspirations.

As brand marketers, we know how to hone research outputs precisely to client needs. Through narratives that explain insights within the cultural context and linking those insights to brand strategy in simple, declarative language, we help get diverse teams on the same page. This makes understanding, alignment and activation much easier, thus enabling impact.

Typically, once the research report is delivered, the researcher is out of the picture. The brand team rushes forward after a quick one-hour presentation of the key insights and implications. What a waste! After hours and hours of listening to consumers, the researcher embodies the consumer voice. We stay on the journey with you to keep the consumer voice close at hand, making it your special superpower.





私たちSomi insightsのリサーチャーは、リサーチを経てターゲットとなる消費者の声を具現化する力を持っているため、プロジェクトが終わった後もお客様のパートナーとしてジャーニーをサポートいたします。



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Ideation & activation

Whether online or offline, we have devised ways to streamline the “workshop” into a highly action-oriented, fun and engaging activity that helps clients align and energize as teams and thought-partners.

What makes us so good at this? We think it’s passion, quick thinking and good listening, but see for yourself.

We’ve done workshops of all kinds including product concept ideation, cultural insights training and brand positioning ideation and alignment. Our people skills, language skills and cultural awareness allow for different communication styles, drawing all voices into the discussion.

Tell us what you need and let us figure out the how.